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federal constitutional court中文是什么意思

用"federal constitutional court"造句"federal constitutional court"怎么读"federal constitutional court" in a sentence


  • 联邦宪法法院


  • Federal constitutional court affirms horizontal effect of constitutional rights in private law relations and voids a marital agreement on constitutional grounds , no . 6 german law journal vol . 2 , april 2001
    《基本权利的解释与影响作用》 ,收于许宗力, 《法与国家权力》 ,月旦公司出版社,第501页。
  • At first , the author expatiates on the major function of constitution in the traditional german theory , then introduces the debate in this problem of the german scholars from the 1950 ’ s . after this , the author stresses the attitude of the federal constitutional court which points out the theory of indirect effect and the manner to apply the theory
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